Burattini e ghiandaie
Další název/názvy: Burattini e ghiandaie
Žánr: Amateur film
Rok: [s.d.]
Minutáž: 00:02:46
Popis: Amateur film: scenes with puppets; a 9,5mm film projector in action; model car with a magnet; scenes of tamed jays while eating, drinking water from the edge of a tub and being carried around on the handlebars of a bicycle. The video is a copy from the film print held by the Museo Nazionale del Cinema: 9,5mm, positive, acetate, 17 m, 3’ at 18 fps, black and white, silent.
Klíčová slova: puppets / 9,5mm film projector / model car / jays / marionette / proiettore 9,5mm / modellino di automobile / ghiandaie / home movie
Poskytovatel: Museo Nazionale del Cinema
Práva: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Barva: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Typ dokumentu:
Sbírka: Museo Nazionale del Cinema Film Collection
Language: it